Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Lead and Zinc Ores Mining in Shaiagu Community of Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Arthur Essaghah, Chidi Ogbonna, Micheal. O. Alabi
Journal of Geography and Earth Science, 1(1), 30-38.

The exponential rise in the number of small-scale mining activities in Nigeria in recent times has been reported with widespread surface land despoliation and water resources degradation. Against this background, the paper investigated environmental and socio-economic effects of Lead and Zinc Ores mining in Ishaiagu Community in Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State Nigeria. Results obtained from physico-chemical analysis of collected soil and water samples, as well as, related in-situ air parameter measurements all revealed serious environmental pollution and degradation, threatening farming activities in the area. As a consequence the paper recommends that Governments at all levels should enforce all related environmental legislations as a mater of urgency in mining areas if another “Niger Delta Debacle” is to be avoided in various mining communities of the country. Until that happens, farmers and agricultural productivity will remain at the mercy of artisanal and small-scale mining operators and activities in many rural communities of Ebonyi State, and indeed mining areas in Nigeria

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Essaghah, Arthur., Ogbonna, Chidi., Alabi, O. Micheal.(2013). Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Lead and Zinc Ores Mining in Shaiagu Community of Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Journal of Geography and Earth Science, 1(1), 30-38

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Arthur Essaghah. PhD
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Enugu state University of Science & Technology
(ESUT), Enugu

Chidi Ogbonna. Msc
Department of Geography and Meteorology
Abia State University, UTURU

Micheal. O. Alabi. PhD
Department of Geography and Planning
Kogi State University, Anyigba